Sunday, September 28, 2014

How am I today?

What a strange title for my blog post, but you are numerous to ask me regularly how everything is going and how I am adapting. Be assured, all is well.  That does not mean that everything is perfect every day.  A relocation is a big step in life and the emotions during this experience are more like a roller coaster than a quiet river.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Only in America ...

Some pictures of our shopping tour this afternoon :

American consumers like it tidy, straws go in these boxes ...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Back to normal

My friends, it's "rentrée" time. This French word means "back to school", but also so much more. The "end of the summer", also linked to "back to work" (after much longer summer vacations than our American friends).  For us the "normal" life will start here in Santa Barbara.

I am sorry for not having written much over the summer. We arrived in California seven weeks ago, and getting everyone settled, unpack the container and being constantly surprised and astonished kept me so busy that writing was far off.