Sunday, July 27, 2014

Our trip from Nice to Santa Barbara

The last days before leaving were very busy, as we had to prepare our Mougins home for the future rentals, make sure all was in good working state, give all instructions and keys to our person of confidence, sort our things, pack the eight suitcases that were going to be registered, prepare the bags that we would take in the cabin with us (thinking of the new security measures that had been put in place a few days ago, where all electronic appliances have to be charged, so that they can be turned on) and respect the emotions of all of us.

New Life - New Blog

Even if we don't always realize, we have started a new life.  We arrived eight days ago in Santa Barbara, California.  As expats, but we know that it's for good.

We have described our E-2 Visa project in our previous blog Countdown2SantaBarbara.  A lot of you followed our adventure and shared our joy and worries.  This first blog was also designed to help those who wish to create a company in the US, which will allow them to live some years or all of their life in the States.  All articles concerning the E-2 visa are regrouped here.  We hope to help you and reiterate our offer to contact us with any questions or worries.

Today, the new adventure has become reality.  This second blog won't be limited in time anymore, there are no more days to count. Most probably it will be more personnal as well, hopefully more regular, all depends on the time that is left every day. This life change brings its lot of good resolutions: do more sports, eat more healthy, work more intelligently, have the right priorities in life ...  Let's say what we can make happen ;-).

In any case, welcome to our new adventure, we are delighted you are following us !  Don't foret to subscirbe to email alerts (by putting your email in the right hand column) and to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, we love having you with us !

LAX airport July 18th, 2014